该计划为十大网赌靠谱网址平台阿宾顿分校的学生节省了超过45美元,000 on textbooks


梅尔文Gupton, 企业传播学助理教授, saved each student in one of his courses about $120 by developing a free packet of materials in lieu of a traditional textbook.

图片来源:Regina Broscius

阿宾顿,爸爸. — 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 学生们节省了超过45美元,000 this semester after seven faculty members redesigned courses to eliminate the need for textbook purchases while maintaining the integrity of the coursework. 

With support from the 负担得起的课程内容教员奖学金 funded by a Chancellor's Grant, 教员采用免费教材, 修改他们的教学大纲, 并对教学实践做出了改变. Each faculty member was supported in-person or remotely by a team of librarians and instructional designers. 

Books and supplies are estimated to cost each Abington student $1,每学年840元, and nearly three-quarters of Abington students receive financial aid.

克里斯蒂娜Riehman-Murphy, 阿宾顿的参考和指导馆员, 说学生应该有能力在大学里取得成功. 

“It makes the classroom an uneven playing field when some can’t pay for the materials,”她说。. “这与我们的学生高度相关. If they need the LionShare food pantry, then it follows that they need affordable course content.”

Riehman-Murphy说 one student came to the library beca使用 they couldn't afford the book for the last course they needed to graduate. The librarians were able to help the student through the emergency bookstore gift card program, but the only other option would have been to drop the course and delay graduation. 

“在阿宾顿对别人讲话, we believe the situation is more common than we might like to think,”她说。. “有多少学生不寻求帮助? 他们必须做出什么样的选择?”

One student, who didn't want to be identified, makes these difficult choices.

“我就是买不起这些书, so I rely on copies of the textbooks that are in the library and material provided by my professor,她说.

这个问题并不局限于阿宾顿. 根据高等教育纪事报, 7 in 10 students didn’t purchase a textbook beca使用 of the expense, and 1 in 5 has skipped or deferred a class due to the price of required resources.


通过开放教育资源, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 students are provided with course content ranging from textbooks to 课堂讲稿. 

图片来源:Regina Broscius

教师利用开放教育资源, 或OERs, 这使他们能够定制课程材料, creating a course packet instead of being bound to a traditional one-size-fits-all model, Riehman-Murphy说. It gives faculty more control over the quality of their course materials.

梅尔文Gupton,香港大学副教授 公司十大网赌靠谱网址平台交流, saved each student in his CAS 204: Communication Research Methods course about $120. He developed a packet of book chapters and online academic articles while adhering to copyright rules. Other content was in the form of slides not from any specific source.

“我很喜欢我的课程, and the students are benefiting from having a no-cost resource experience,他说. “I have asked students point-blank if they appreciate this format, 大家一致举手确认.”

扎克McLaughlin-Alcock, 数学讲师, 叫做体验, 每个学生平均节省了135美元, 重大胜利. 

“I was able to find and integrate two open access textbooks and an open access computerized homework tool,他说. "We were able to connect curated problem-solving videos from other mathematics instructors on YouTube to supplement specific ideas and chapters.”

学生在一门课上由 瑞秋·埃里克森·布朗,香港大学副教授 mathematics education, saved an average of $75 each.

“在过去, sometimes grades went down for not completing homework beca使用 students did not purchase the textbook,”她说。. 

徐若瑄, assistant teaching professor of psychological and social sciences, said students in her introductory psychology course saved $149 each. 

Riehman-Murphy说 Abington Chancellor Damian Fernandez has renewed that 负担得起的课程内容教员奖学金 for another year. 

“We will be looking forward to working with more faculty and more classes as this project grows,”她说。. 

伊丽莎白·纳尔逊, reference and instruction librarian at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台, collaborated with Riehman-Murphy on this project when she worked at the Abington campus. 


The 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 library keeps some textbooks on reserve so students may borrow them.

图片来源:Dan Z. 约翰逊


OERs are any type of educational materials that are in the public domain or introduced with an open license. The nature of these open materials means that anyone can legally and freely copy, 使用, 适应并重新分享它们. 开放教育资源的范围从教科书到课程, 教学大纲, 课堂讲稿, 作业, 测试, 项目, audio, 视频和动画. 

因为这是一个不断发展的运动, 并非所有学科, departments or courses have OER available yet that are suitable for their instructional needs. OER are often created by faculty for their own disciplines and then shared freely online through various collections. 


十大网赌靠谱网址平台阿宾顿分校提供了一个负担得起的, accessible and high-impact education resulting in the success of a diverse student body. It is committed to student success through innovative approaches to 21st century public higher education within a world-class research university. 大约3个,700名学生, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 is a residential campus that offers baccalaureate degrees in 21 majors, 本科研究, 施赖尔荣誉项目, NCAA三级田径和更多.

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